Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children - 2678 Words

Abstract The possible harmful side effects of violent video games has been long debated for many years, especially in light of recent tragedies such as the Columbine shootings which was initially thought to have been caused by excessive violent video game play. Over the years, many professional health associations have joined in agreement of these harmful effects (Anderson, Ihori, Bushman, Rothstein, Shibuya, Swing, Sakamoto Saleem, 2010). Past research has revealed evidence that violent video games and media violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both short and long term contexts (Anderson Dill, 2000). However, because video game violence is a newer phenomenon with this technology emerging in the late 80’s and early 90†s, research is still very limited (Anderson et al., 2010). Nevertheless, Anderson and Dill (2000) produced two quantitative research studies in their published article, â€Å"Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Be havior in the Laboratory and in Life† using the General Affective Aggressive Model formulation, which revealed a correlation between video game violence and increased aggressive behaviors in both long and short term frameworks. Introduction Although there is a plethora of research that has been established on the harmful effects of television and movie violence, empirical research on video games is still limited (Anderson et al., 2010). Anderson and Dill (2000) sought to understand theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children1074 Words   |  5 PagesVideo Games. Anderson et al. (2008), Anderson et al. (2010), Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis (2005), Erwin and Morton (2008), Gentile and Stone (2005), and Jason et al. (2005) revealed a correlation between violent video games with immediate and later aggressive behavior. All of the research for the effects of violent videos games are conducted on older children and current research has not yet studied young children or preschoolers. It is important to note what research exclaims about the long-termRead MoreViolent Video Games Effect On Children1654 Words   |  7 Pagessamples of the dialog talked between kids who play games such as like â€Å"Call of Duty† or â€Å"Halo†. In today s age, kids frequently boast about the quantity of players they figured out how to kill while playing these video games. Two decades ago, this would not be the typical waste of time of an eleven year old, yet now kids are seeing this kind of brutal movement as simply one more approach to take a break on a Saturday morning. Since the video game market is blastin g at this moment because of progressiveRead MoreViolent Video Games and Their Effect on Children2104 Words   |  9 PagesProfessor Colbert English 128-03 7 April 2010 Violent Video Games and Their Effect on Children Ever since the creation of the first video game, they have had a certain effect on the individuals who play them. As video games have become more advanced and elaborate, children’s interest is at an all time high. With the degree of violence that has been a part of video games since the early 1990’s, parents and activists have claimed that these games are affecting children negatively. This claim only seems toRead MoreViolent Video Games Effects On Children934 Words   |  4 Pagestodays’ society is Violent video games effect negatively on youngsters. This issue is growing because many of these games are featured aggressive elements that lead youngsters towards violence. For most players, video games are fun but also violent games take over the lives of some player. Since the world of video games was started in the 1980s, the video games still getting new level of popularity in this world. Most people are getting really addictive of these violent video games. T he first importantRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children1359 Words   |  6 PagesKhan, Mohammad Salman English 1001 Rebekah Barton 5/4/2015 Effects of Violent Video Games â€Å"Boom! Headshot† â€Å"Time to kill that commie bastard† these are not from some war movies or documentaries. These are the dialogues of some recent games in market. In modern age, children often feel proud about the number of people or enemy they managed to kill when they are playing these games in various console. While even a decade before, this would not be the normal past time of an eleven year old teenage kidRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children Essay1558 Words   |  7 Pages† Studies has shown that children that play violent video games desensitize players to real-life acts of violence, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology says that it is a reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity to real violence. It is also proven that people who are desensitized to violence are likely to commit a violent crime of some type. In 2011 there was a study that resulted in the finding of a link between the exposure of violent vide o games and an increase in aggressionRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children2016 Words   |  9 PagesMaisonneuve Professor Haynes CENG 102 04 December 2015 The Effects of Violent Video Games On Children Newton N. Minow once said, â€Å"Children will watch anything, and when a broadcaster uses crime and violence and other shoddy devices to monopolize a child’s attention, it’s worse than taking candy from a baby. It is taking precious time from the process of growing up†.The media is a powerful tool that in a very influence on children. There are many things that the youth in today s society isRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children1258 Words   |  6 Pagesminutes into playing a violent video game the average person becomes desensitized to the fact that they are killing someone. Now it it may seem like nothing when you play these games. But when people, especially children play them often it starts to become the only thing that they think about. Even if it is â€Å"just a character† in a game it becomes so to them to pull that trigger. I’ve witnessed this happen in my own household and I don’t hesitate to say: violent v ideo games are poisonous to the brainRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children1790 Words   |  8 PagesGaming the Violent Life Throughout recent years there has been many stories, well, more like excuses that adolescents have blamed violent video games for their violent behaviors. Can children truly use this as their excuse anymore? Many studies on this subject have recently been in the spotlight over the concern of young violent offenders, with numerous governing leaders and child developmental specialist concerned whether violent video games are the true cause of violence in children. With the growingRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Video Games On Children902 Words   |  4 Pagesrestless minds. Violent video games are a conflict in modern day society because children are witnessing harsh behaviors that are conditioning them to believe it is acceptable to commit these actions displayed before their eyes. There are many health effects that are involved with participating in these products of entertainment such as an increase in aggression, poor social skills and the formation of terrible habits. The ideas that will be discussed in this essay will pertain to how children are becoming

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Alzheimers Disease in the Elderly - 655 Words

Walk into any senior home nowadays and there will be at least one person afï ¬â€šicted with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This progressive, neurodegenerative disorder affects more than ï ¬ ve million Americans and is projected to steadily grow in incidence every year (Alzheimer’s Association). While current research efforts have looked to determine how and why AD is caused, the pathogenesis of the disease in patients is affected by numerous factors. A variety of genetic mutations can inï ¬â€šuence the severity and time course of AD. However, researchers acknowledge that the presence of a gene and its corresponding protein does not guarantee onset (Hardy). Rather, external elements such as lifestyles, coupled with the action of multiple genes characterize AD as a complex trait. One hallmark of AD is amyloid beta plaques, large aggregates found in the patient brains composed of the peptide, amyloid beta. These amyloid plaques form the basis for the primary hypothesis behind AD, the amyloid cascade hypothesis. The cascade begins with amyloid precursor protein (APP). APP is cleaved by two different enzymes to produce one amyloid beta monomer, which aggregates with other monomers to form cytotoxic structures. These then cause the neuronal cell death and loss of synaptic function that occurs in AD (Laferla). Mutations that affect this cascade are thus of primary importance. There are three main genes, APP, PS1, and PS2, that when mutated alter the metabolism or stability of the amyloid betaShow MoreRelatedAlzheimers Disease in the Elderly Essay examples1604 Words   |  7 Pages Alzheimer is a disease that affects the elderly most. The disease was discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in the year 1906 when he was examining a female’s brain. He found out that the woman displayed memory loss, language problems and some inexplicable changes in behavior. The disease was named after the doctor who was a German psychiatrist and a neuropathologist. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to memory loss, personality changes, and language problems (GilbertRead MoreDisengagement Theory And Alzheimer s Disease901 Words   |  4 PagesDisengagement Theory and Alzheimer’s Disease There are three core theories’ that have been established in age related studies. There is the active theory which states that a person should remain active and social. There is the Continuation Theory and states that people who age successfully continue habits that lead to a happy life. Then there is the disengagement theory and this theory will be the focus of the paper. Disengagement theory is the idea that as people age it is expected for them toRead MoreThe Dangers Of The Elderly1582 Words   |  7 Pagespopulation, and this number is expected to double over the next 45 years. The effect of the elderly living longer is that the occurrence of illness and disabilities, as well as recovery time, is increased (Lovell, 2006). Associated with this is the increase in demand for health care resources, and the negative stereotype of the elderly being an economic burden (Lovell, 2006). The stereotype of the elderly being frail is perpetuated by the media’s promotion of you th and vitality, as well as the biasedRead MoreWhat Can You Tell About A Population By Looking At Its Population Pyramid?1392 Words   |  6 Pagesnormally and aging with a disease. Thus, disease such as diabetes, hypertension, and Alzheimer’s found among the elderly did not come about as a result of the aging process, but rather as a result of disease process that happened to take place within the elderly individual. In other words, disease is not a normal process of aging. Second, no two people of the same chronological age, age at the same level. There are more variations of change and development among the elderly than there is among theRead MoreMusic Affecting the Memory of Alzheimer’s Patients1080 Words   |  5 PagesAlzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States (Help End Alzheimers.). It is a common form of dementia categorized by a progressive decline in cognitive function (Simmons-Stern, 2010). According to the Alzheimer ’s Association, â€Å"More than 500,000 seniors die each year because they have Alzheimers disease†. Therefore Alzheimer’s disease kills more people than prostate and breast cancer together (Help End Alzheimers.) Although there is no cure or treatment to slow theRead MoreEssay on A Drifing Mind: Alzheimer ´s Disease602 Words   |  3 PagesUnits for Residents with Primary Degenerative Dementia: Alzheimers disease†. The reason I went with this article was because I wanted to focus on a different stage of life. I also have family that has had Alzheimer’s disease. I think this was one of the hardest things I have seen in my life. My aunt would remember my name one moment and forget I was even alive the next. The purpose of this article is to educate those interested in this disease to learn how to deal with them in nursing homes. The researchRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease930 Words   |  4 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Kevin Arnold from the Wonder Years said â€Å"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things never want to lose.† Memories are the things that are upheld, whether good or bad, those memories are imprinted in the mind and cannot be taken away that is, until later in life. As one ages it is natural for some memories to fade. Loss of memories and brain function deficits that occur and are not from normal aging may indicate a person is sufferingRead More Alzheimers Disease, Nursing Essay1477 Words   |  6 PagesUnderstanding of Alzheimer Disease Introduction nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Loss of memory, forgetfulness, personal change, even death, are common related disorders caused by a disease called Dementia or better known to most people as Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States in persons 65 and older. Alzheimer’s disease is, named for the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer, who first recognized the disease in 1907; Alzheimer’s disease is characterized byRead More Alzheimer’s Disease Essay1176 Words   |  5 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease of the future. With the growing aged population, this disease, which affects primarily the elderly, will become of increasing relevance to the medical profession. Also, the high frequency of Alzheimer’s, and the high cost in labor, money, and material of caring for its victims shall put considerable burden on the society as a whole. Here, however, these issues are not going to be debated. Instead the pathology of Alzheimer’s will be reviewedRead MoreIbesity And Alzheimers Disease1315 Words   |  6 PagesOne cognitive defect affecting elderly patients is Alzheimers disease. This cognitive disease affects many populations around the world, but mainly aging individuals3. Though the quantity of life is extending with modern medical practices4, Alzheimers disease is still prevalent, with prevention and treatment not yet well defined5. The topic of interest is to determine if consumption of soy will improve cognitive memory in elderly individuals with Alzheimers disease. If soy isoflavones can specifically

Monday, December 9, 2019

Acupuncture Today Essay Example For Students

Acupuncture Today Essay Today, Mrs. Williams will be experiencing a new treatment for her chronic back pain. Chiropractic medicine had failed her before, and her daily prescription drugs were worth neither the money nor the side effects they caused. When the doctor came into the room with a tray of thin, long needles, Mrs. Williams knew that her hematophobia would cause her no discomfort; these needles were not for drawing blood. Her back pain will be relieved through acupuncture, the 5000-year-old Chinese practice of treating pain through the balancing of energy channels. Since President Nixons historical visit to China in 1972, a new wave of traditional Chinese medicine has swept through the United States and bonded with the Western approach to healing. Acupuncture, for example, has taken on many forms in America, and with continued research in the field, doctors have discovered many new uses for the Eastern remedy. With this renaissance comes the realization that acupuncture must really work, or why woul d it have been adopted within both Western and Eastern cultures to such a degree?The main difference between Eastern and Western acupuncture is the reason for inserting the needles. A traditional Chinese practitioner would place the needle at the Ho-Ku point in order to influence a meridian and the flow of chi. Practitioners of modern Western acupuncture would place the same needle in the same location, but would say that they were doing it to stimulate peripheral branches of the radial nerve in order to motivate the production of endorphins, the natural morphine-like substances produced in the brain that cause humans to feel less pain. The belief that life energy, called chi, flows through the body via a series of energy pathways, called meridians, did not mesh with the materialist doctrines of Western society, so more scientific explanations were devised. This new reasoning also made it easier for Chinese medical centers to be established, for any doctor with a background in neuro anatomy could learn acupuncture quite easily. Just as there are different styles of cooking, so are there different acupuncture techniques. It is easily surmised that Japanese physicians with Western training, or vice versa developed most of these variations. Dr. Yoshio Nakatani and Dr. Tae-Woo Yoo, who both are Easter doctors who have studied in America, made significant contributions to the study of acupuncture. The American physician Paul Nogier has devised a way to practice acupuncture without the use of needles. These and other practitioners have created ways to use lasers, sound waves and electric current in their acupuncture. Clearly, two acupuncturists may have studied the same techniques, but no two will treat the same problem in exactly the same way. Western medicine deals with the physical body. Acupuncture, on the other hand, deals with the physical body, the mental being, and the spiritual being. Therefore, with the rising of many new illnesses, acupuncture changed from a pain reliever to a treatment for hundreds of modern diseases and conditions. While structural problems (broken bones, severed nerves, or damaged internal organs) cannot be helped by acupuncture, functional problems can and have been treated successfully. AIDS and cancer patients have experienced relief from acupuncture, as well as those suffering from allergies, diarrhea, bronchitis, fatigue, and gynecological disorders. Acupuncture has adapted to modern times, and its effectiveness is what keeps it going among other new age treatments. Western medicine focuses on suppressing symptoms, which prevent the body from mobilizing its own healing energy. Acupuncture relies upon the bodys natural wisdom to heal itself, and each person is treated on an individual basis, as no two people are alike. So when Mrs. Williams is through with her acupuncture treatment, she not only will experience physical relief, but a mental sense of well being and a restoration of spirit. Because acupuncture affects every aspect of the human body, all techniques and variations of the practice are gaining in population today. .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 , .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .postImageUrl , .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 , .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804:hover , .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804:visited , .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804:active { border:0!important; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804:active , .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804 .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udd3b0b8a9332c3076ab58aac1c6ab804:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What is cultural relativity? Essay PaperMedicine Essays

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Role Ofreligion And Morality In Cats Cradle Essay Example For Students

The Role Ofreligion And Morality In Cats Cradle Essay As an author, Kurt Vonnegut has received just about every kind of praise an author can receive: his works held the same sway over American philosophy as did those of Jack Kerouac or J.R.R. Tolkein; his writing has received acclaim from academics and the masses alike; and three of his books have been made into feature films. Society has permanently and noticeably been altered by his writing. Through accessible language and easily-understood themes, Vonnegut has created works subtle, engrossing, and familiar. His main method for doing this is by exploiting a theme with which everyone is familiar and about which everyone has his own opinion: religion. We will write a custom essay on The Role Ofreligion And Morality In Cats Cradle specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Not many people are more qualified to explore this theme than Vonnegut. He was born in 1922 on Armistice Day (November 11), a holiday celebrating peace, in Indianapolis. His family was moderately wealthy until the onset of the Great Depression, when they lost everything. In 1944, Vonneguts mother committed suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills. Soon afterwards, he joined the army and fought in the Second World War. Vonnegut was captured as a POW and kept prisoner in Dresden. Soon after his capture, Dresden, an entirely civilian town, was bombed heavily. Vonnegut survived the bombing, came home, and became a writer. His first book, Player Piano, received very little notice at the time it was written, 1952. When he published Sirens of Titan in 1959, it also was largely ignored. In 1969, Vonnegut published Slaughterhouse Five, which was an immediate commercial and academic success. Slaughterhouse Fives success brought attention to his other works, and though Vonnegut was not as popula r after the 60s, he continued to publish successful books ( Vonneguts works have been classified as science fiction, but that hardly does them justice. His works are significantly influenced by that genre, but contain strikingly relevant commentaries about contemporary American society which set him apart from other science-fiction writers. His use of science fiction draws a humorous contrast between the all-important significance of the nature of the universe and of reality, and the insignificance of human life and society. All of his works emphasize the enormous forces acting on his characters, not the least of which is fate. As his writing progressed and matured, this stylistic nuance became more and more evident. In his book Slaughterhouse Five, Vonnegut describes his own style by means of Tralfamadorians, an alien race for whom time is nonexistent, and whose literature reflects this:Each clump of symbols is a brief, urgent message describing a situation,a scene. We Tralfamadorians read them all at once, not one after the oth-er. There isnt any particular relationship between all the messages ex-cept that the author has chosen them carefully, so that, when seen all at once, they produce an image of life that is beautiful and surprising and deep. There is no beginning, no middle, no end, no suspense, no moral, no causes, no effects. What we love in our books are the depths of many marvelous moments seen all at one time (88). Indeed, Vonnegut has dismissed temporal continuity in his writing, and has thus eliminated suspense. Characters are often aware of their own inevitable destiny, as in The Sirens of Titan, and are helpless to stop it from coming to pass. Vonnegut makes it clear that modern society is much like this people can see where theyre headed, but are too powerless or apathetic to prevent it. In his book Cats Cradle, Vonnegut mocks peoples mindless, apathetic acceptance of their fates by portraying a situation in which unimaginably powerful forces toss around people desperate to escape them. He presents civilizations attempt to commit suicide (Hocus Pocus, 72), the atomic bomb dropped at Hiroshima, and ends the book with all of the water on earth freezing as the result of a substance called ice-nine, and thus civilization successfully committing suicide. Ironically, the man who created the atomic bomb also created ice-nine, a man not diabolically evil, but merely absent-minded. In this, Vonnegut portrays not only the amazing influence the forces of the universe have on us, but also the influence a select few of us have on the forces of the universe. .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da , .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .postImageUrl , .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da , .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da:hover , .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da:visited , .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da:active { border:0!important; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da:active , .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u448aff7148bc4c2452c2b70ef171a0da:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Heart Of Darkness - Cruelty EssayIn Cats Cradle, Vonnegut describes an amazingly intricate means by which to accept the the whims of the universe. It is a parody of religion, and is what religion would be if it were stripped of all ritual and dogma. It is called Bokononism, and it reveals just how human it is to permit fate to have its way, and just how futile it is to fight against it. The basic tenet of Bokononism, according to Vonnegut, is that people should live by whatever foma (harmless untruths) make them happy. People, according to Bokononism, should do this so that fate seems much less prevalent in their lives, and so that they feel that their own free will is the main force in their lives. Vonnegut argues that such self-deception is one of the most integral aspects of humanity (Understanding Kurt Vonnegut, 53-65). Cats Cradle was published in 1963, at a time in American history when free will seemed to be the only force guiding anyone. People were tired of war, and tired of the threat of war. People were on the verge of losing faith in government. It is in this environment that Vonnegut put forth his attack on religion and on the human situation. The thought of ice-nine was just about as frightening as the very real threat of nuclear attack, so people could easily relate to Cats Cradles plot. Vonnegut describes government in Cats Cradle as effective only when an enemy exists, and he portrays Bokononism as governments enemy. When the tension between good and evil is high, says Vonnegut, the people can be kept happy and under control. When the line separating them becomes blurred, people quickly become disillusioned and rebellious. Though Vie tnam, in which the line between good and evil was almost nonexistent, did not bring about the end of civilization, domestic rebelliousness did alter American life, just as Vonnegut predicted. In this particular instance, Bokononism can be likened to Communism the perpetual enemy perceived, perhaps wrongly, to be the most dangerous force in the world. Cats Cradle is not the only one of Vonneguts works which has such an undertone of angst and urgency; indeed, it is one of the defining features of his work. The tension between the forces acting on the human race is higher than it has ever been, and if one force should give way, life as we know it will end. The only way to carry on is to convince ones self that life is not this treacherous, and that each individual can affect the outcome. This, according to Vonnegut, is the most necessary foma of all, and it might be able to save civilization. English Essays

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

All About the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution

All About the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution The Eighth Amendment reads:   Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Why Bail is Crucial Defendants who are not released on bail have greater difficulty preparing their defenses. Theyre effectively punished with imprisonment until their time of trial. Decisions regarding bail should not be made lightly. Bail is set extremely high or sometimes denied entirely when a defendant is charged with an extremely serious offense and/or if he poses a flight risk or great potential danger to the community. But in the majority of criminal trials, bail should be available and affordable. Its All About the Benjamins Civil libertarians tend to overlook fines, but the matter is not insignificant in a capitalist system. By their very nature, fines are anti-egalitarian. A $25,000 fine levied against an extremely wealthy defendant might only impact his discretionary income. A $25,000 fine levied against a less wealthy defendant can potentially have a long-term effect on basic medical care, educational opportunities, transportation and food security. Most convicts are poor so the issue of excessive fines is central to our criminal justice system. Cruel and Unusual The most frequently cited part of the Eighth Amendment deals with its prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, but what does this mean in practical terms?   Dont ask the founding fathers:  The Crimes Act of 1790 mandates the death penalty for treason and it also mandates mutilation of the corpse. By contemporary standards, corpse mutilation would certainly be regarded as cruel and unusual. Floggings were also common at the time of the Bill of Rights, but today floggings would be regarded as cruel and unusual. The Eighth Amendment is more clearly affected by societal change than any other amendment in the Constitution because the very nature of the phrase cruel and unusual appeals to evolving societal standards.Torture and prison conditions: The Eighth Amendment certainly prohibits the torture of U.S. citizens in a contemporary context although torture is generally used as an interrogation method, not as an official form of punishment. Inhumane prison conditions also violate the Eighth Amendment even though they dont constitute part of the official sentence. In other words, the Eighth Amendment refers to de facto punishments whether the y are officially handed down as punishments or not. The death penalty: The U.S. Supreme Court found that the death penalty, which was applied capriciously and on a racially discriminatory basis, violated the Eighth Amendment in Furman v. Georgia in 1972. These death penalties are cruel and unusual, Justice Potter Stewart wrote in the majority opinion, in the same way that being struck by lightning is cruel and unusual. The death penalty was reinstated in 1976 after serious revisions were made.Specific methods of execution prohibited:  The death penalty is legal, but not all methods of enforcing it are. Some, such as crucifixion and death by stoning, are obviously unconstitutional. Others, such as the gas chamber, have been declared unconstitutional by courts. And still others, such as hanging and death by a firing squad, have not been regarded as unconstitutional but are no longer in common use.The lethal injection controversy: The State of Florida declared a moratorium on lethal injection and a de facto moratorium on the death pena lty as a whole after reports that Angel Diaz was essentially tortured to death during a botched execution. Lethal injection in humans is not simply a matter of putting the defendant to sleep. It involves three drugs. The strong sedative effect of the first is intended to prevent the excruciating effects of the latter two.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Facts About Phrasal Verbs

Facts About Phrasal Verbs Facts About Phrasal Verbs Facts About Phrasal Verbs By Mark Nichol A phrasal verb consists of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb, an adverb, and a preposition the verb’s partners are collectively known as particles that combine to produce a figure of speech. (Phrasal verbs are common in idiomatic expressions, such as â€Å"add insult to injury† or â€Å"scared them out of their wits.†) Examples include â€Å"call back,† â€Å"check up,† and â€Å"give in.† Note that phrasal verbs can be converted to adverbs or nouns, and when they are, they are either hyphenated or closed up: â€Å"Call back in a few minutes,† but â€Å"Dial the callback number.† â€Å"She’s going to check up on it,† but â€Å"I’m going for a checkup.† Not every phrasal verb has a converted form: â€Å"Give in† never appears as give-in, though it’s plausible: â€Å"He has a give-in attitude† and â€Å"I’ve been guilty of a give-in now and then† make grammatical sense, but those idioms have not been adopted into English. (If the noun form were part of the language, although such forms are generally closed up, give-in would be an exception because the first element of the phrase ends with a vowel.) Phrasal verbs are easily split by pronouns, nouns, and noun phrases, as in â€Å"I’m making it up,† â€Å"Put your toys away,† and â€Å"I poured the soup mix in.† Note that a phrasal verb can be split or kept together when used with a noun (â€Å"Put down your pencils† or â€Å"Put your pencils down†) but no such choice is possible with a pronoun: You can write, â€Å"Put them down,† but â€Å"Put down them† isn’t considered grammatically correct. Often, though both options may be correct, a phrasal verb may read better with an intervening word or phrase than left intact, and may even more clearly indicate the correct meaning in the former format: The headline â€Å"Mom Scares Off Attacker† seems awkward somehow, but move the particle to the end, and it flows more smoothly: â€Å"Mom Scares Attacker Off.† Likewise, â€Å"He passed around a fruit-and-cheese hors d’oeuvre plate† suggests that the subject veered to avoid the plate, whereas â€Å"He passed a fruit-and-cheese hors d’oeuvre plate around† clearly conveys that he participated in the movement of the plate. Also, not every phrasal verb lends itself to splitting: â€Å"Gave off,† as in â€Å"It gave off a foul odor,† could conceivably be split (â€Å"It gave a foul odor off†), but such syntax looks awkward. In other cases, the elements never appear together, as in â€Å"I can’t tell them apart,† in which tell and apart must be separated by, not followed by, them. When an additional adverb is included with a phrasal verb, whether the adverb can be inserted within it depends on whether a pronoun or noun has already been inserted. All these variations are correct, including the third one, in which picked and at are separated by gingerly: â€Å"Gingerly, she picked at the food.† â€Å"She gingerly picked at the food.† â€Å"She picked gingerly at the food.† â€Å"She picked at the food gingerly.† (Only â€Å"She picked at gingerly the food† and â€Å"She picked at the gingerly food† are ungrammatical.) But in the variations of the following sentence, because a pronoun, not a noun, is involved, the third option is invalid: â€Å"Carefully, he looked it over.† â€Å"He carefully looked it over.† â€Å"He looked carefully it over.† â€Å"He looked it over carefully.† Because of the rich variety of forms possible for phrasal verbs, you are advised, when in doubt, to consult a dictionary’s usage note for the root verb of the phrasal verb, or another usage resource. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant Names3 Cases of Complicated Hyphenation50 Musical Terms Used in Nonmusical Senses

Thursday, November 21, 2019

IB PAPER 1 MARKET FAILURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IB PAPER 1 MARKET FAILURE - Essay Example The big six have a great monopoly against smaller producers. The big six maximize profits while passing the cost to the consumer. There occurs a market failure because of the stranglehold caused by big producers. According to The Guardian Tuesday18 October 2013, the big six energy companies supply 99% of British households and make massive profits from a stitched-up market. They control almost all the markets energy supply. The guardian states that consumers are not supposed to pay high prices for energy bills while shareholders pocket greater profits from the situation. The market failure in Britain’s energy supply creates an environment which calls for aggressive competition from alternative energy also creates the need to diverge to more eco-friendly sources of energy other than fossil fuel energy. Completion amongst the big firms sometimes drives energy prices down. On the other hand competition from the big six producers ensures that there is no fair share of the market for the smaller producers in the market .market rules also make it complex and imposed excessive costs and terms of trade make it hard for the small players. The effect on the energy suppliers is that they always reap big profit margins since there will always be demand for energy. Their domination will ensure that smaller players remain less dominant in the market. Consumers will be forced to pay the high tariffs the producers impose as long as no alternative low cost energy sources are exploited. The competitive market and the interest of consumers can well be met by actions that reduce barriers to engage in energy supply market by the government (complex red tapes, high cost, and terms of trade).the big six Britain producers of energy reaps the most profit from the market failure that exist thus the companies end up maximizing their profit

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sales Tax Needs to Be Imposed on Internet Transactions Essay

Sales Tax Needs to Be Imposed on Internet Transactions - Essay Example The tax-free internet goods and services tend to be cheaper than the retail goods. This distorts the consumer behavior by promoting the purchase of internet goods over the retail products hence reducing the efficiency of the sales tax system. Taxing the internet goods will lead to insignificant distortion of consumer behavior as the total expense of buying a commodity from a retail store and buying online will be indifferent. Tax needs to be equitable among the citizens. Purchase of tax-free commodities from the internet favors only the people who can afford an internet connection. This group of people who can access the internet will be able to â€Å"evade† the sales tax while the poor who can not access the internet will not be able to enjoy such advantage. This will lead to inequality in the tax system since only the poor will be burdened to pay the sales tax. A good tax system should have a wide enough tax base to enhance fiscal stability (Maguire). With the increasing trend in internet transaction over the traditional retail transaction as a way to increase reliability and efficiency, there is a likelihood of task base erosion if the internet transactions are left untaxed. Taxing the internet transactions will aid in preventing the potential revenue losses. Arizona like other states relies on sales tax. According to the U.S. Bureau of Census, the percentage sales tax base as a share of income is 47.3%. Encouraging the tax-free internet commodities will affect the state proportionately the same way the state depends on the sales tax. Eliminating the sales tax entirely so that the traditional retail transaction equals the internet transaction for equity purpose will force the state to increase the personal income tax in order to meet her budget. Tax rate tends to alter the consumer's behavior. Tax rates that are too high will tend to favor the purchase of tax-free internet commodities.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Climate for Change Essay Example for Free

A Climate for Change Essay General Motors has been through some difficult times the past ten years or so and appears to have learned some hard lessons. Based on these lessons, General Motors has begun to adopt a strategy of restoring profitability to its North American operations, by aggressive marketing, redesigned products, adopting to new Human resource strategy and a profit rather than a market share goal. Since this assignment is on strategic human resource management, I will be concentrating more on GMs Functional Strategy in HR, which played a major role for GMs success. General Motors Human Resource Management Most companies do not view the HR department as a strategic business partner or as an indispensable part of the organisation (Terri Kabachnick, 1999). By analysing executive assessments, they usually show merchandising, finance, or marketing in the top spot when each departments value and contribution to the companys success as perceived by the company are rated. HR inevitably ranks last, coupled with loss prevention. Traditional HR departments within large, multi-national corporations tend to be powerless with the logistics of managing processes across many departments spanning multiple countries. In addition, GM, like other multi-nationals, has multiple HR groups one at the corporate level and additional ones for each business unit within the corporation. These HR groups typically do not have a central repository of information and lack a coordinated communications infrastructure. As a result, the HR processes of large, multi-national corporations generally are redundant and inefficient. In addition, the sheer number of third-party vendors used by an HR department to handle discrete functions makes management of the process challenging. By necessity, these departments predominantly have focused on administrative functions and typically dont have the time or the resources to devote to strategic planning. At the same time, many are facing a dramatic reduction in resources, and cost-cutting efforts primarily have focused on reducing staff, rather than re-engineering service delivery. A Climate for Change: While many businesses flourished during the boom years of the 1990s, GM, like other U.S.-based automakers, struggled to maintain the status quo. During those years, GMs market share continued to shrink as a steady stream of consumers bought cars from its Japanese, German and Korean competitors. When Wagoner took over as president and chief executive officer of GM in 1998, he knew the company had to change its approach to manufacturing and selling cars or it would continue a downward spiral and eventually lose its place as the worlds pre-eminent automaker. Wagoner set into motion an effort to reorganize and rebuild GM from the inside out. One of Wagoners primary objectives was to refocus and revamp the companys HR department. Wagoner thought HR is paramount to GMs reorganisation effort. If they were to hire, train and keep the best workforce possible, then it must have the best and most up-to-date HR practices possible. While the change in HR is just one element of making GM a more globally focused and competitive company, it is a key element. GM has always been a very siloed corporation with all of its different divisions functioning like separate companies. There have been numerous reorganisation efforts at GM, and most have not fared well, because of the turf battles and independent nature of GMs divisions. However, GM appears to be taking a different approach. Focusing on HR and making it a key element in the reorganisation effort, which GM has never really attempted before. One real challenge has been the effects of change on one large organisation which has set itself to comfort,so to get GMs management team to completely buy into the strategic role for HR was a task in itself. Middle management, however, has been a different story, they were more resistant to change than their managers. But, the effort is under way, and senior-level executives are well aware that it is an evolution not a revolution and therefore will take some time. The key to making the evolution work, is to find the points of resistance and to try to make them understand the need for change. And if they continue to resist then personnel changes should be the cost is quite big to barter. I personally feel that the approach which GM adopted, provides a best fit to its work environment and structure.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Lives of Oprah Winfery and Malcolm X :: essays papers

The Lives of Oprah Winfery and Malcolm X The lives of Malcolm X and Oprah Winfery have some similarities's but mostly differences. The biggest similarities is that they are both very accomplished black American's. Malcolm X was a hustler, robber and a very messed up child. After going to jail he decided to turn his life around. In a few ways Oprah was the same way. She had struggled with her weight all of her life. Finally she decided to do something about it. When Malcolm was a child his family didn't have very much money. They lived in a run-down house with many brother's and sister's. To make matters worse, they were a black family. When he was about fifteen years old his father was run over by a cart. He was nearly cut in half! The police said it was an accident but, Malcolm and his family knew it wasn't. After his father died things went down hill. His mother was so upset by his death that she couldn't take care of her family. Malcolm started to hang out with the wrong people. He became a hustler, he would rob people for money and valuable things they owned. He also started to get into hard drugs during his teenage years. All of this led to him dropping out of school and his mom was put into a mental hospital. When he was seventeen years old he was arrested and put into jail. This was the start of his "new start". He started reading the dictionary! His speed increased incredibly. By reading the dictionary his vocabulary became much better so he started reading books. After serving 8-10 years in jail he got out and started to speak against racism. He was a very strong speaker, which many people, including some whites, listened to. He would always be talking about how the whites didn't treat them right and to fight against them. On February 21, 1965 Malcolm was speaking at a OAAU rally in Harlem and he was shot and killed. Oprah Winfery, a talk show producer and host, actress, and a very charitable person. She began her career in television when she was nineteen years old. She was the youngest and the first African-American woman to be a news anchor at Nashville's WTVF-TV. Nine years after her T.V. career took off she moved to Chicago to host a morning talk show, "A.M. Chicago" which became the number one rated talk show just a month after Oprah took over. In less than a year the show expanded into a hour long program and was renamed, "The Oprah Winfery

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ethical Standards for Human Research Essay

Ethical standards in human research should be followed strictly as they encourage the participants of the process to get involved in experiment as far as these standards are met. The ethical standards ensure that the risks he/she can be exposed to are taken care of to ensure maximum benefit at the end of the exercise. While accessing risks to benefits encountered in the course of experiment one should determine how much risk is acceptable and how much benefit is necessary. The participant should be willing to accept some risks which one may encounter during experiment. These risks should not exceed the importance of experiment for they will be creating more harm to participant than benefit of the problem being solved. In determining the risks and benefits that participant might face one should ensure that the risks should not weigh the benefits. First, one should access the benefits since the participant can agree thee processes to continue based what benefits he/she can get as compared to the risks he/she is exposed to. If researcher seer that the risks are more than benefit he/she can discontinue the process and find a better processes which minimizes the risks and maximizes the benefit. One can determine how much the risks are accepted by the willingness of participant to undergo the processes. Benefits should be necessary since the participant cannot agree the procedure to be carried on which does not benefit him/her. How much risk can be accepted by participant should be kept minimal and one should allow the participant to give full voluntary to participants. Participants should also come out of the experiment unharmed. Deception in research should always be avoided at the participant may fail to undertake the process if he/she find out that he is being deceived in any way. But centrally to this deceit can be allowed in research under different circumstances. For example, when deceptive techniques are justified by the type of research one is carrying out. This can only be done when no other method without deceit can be applied. Also researcher should disclose all the aspects of research and should not deceive the participant on some aspects that can lead to him or her rejecting the research processes. Incase the researcher has no alternative and has to use deception; the participant should be aware of it and agree or disagree to carryon with the procedure out of his or her own will. The end never justifies the mean used to achieve it. This principle signifier that the way one terminate or come to an end of any given process its not always justified by the methods used to achieve it. This is because in the course of processed one can encounter some difficulties or end up creating some mistakes and if corrected, the final result do not incorporate the mistake done. An example in history where this principle was violated is the law that dealt with human protection. This law was meant to protect different groups, for example, children and prisoners, pregnant mother. Therefore in this procedures are just carried out which are meant to bring forth good outcome but this was violated since many researcher do not consider there different groups of people. Another example is Tuskegee Syphilis study where the researcher exposed the concept of justice. In this the benefits of study were restricted to those who could afford them and therefore less participation was experienced (Gilbert Horrax 1952). Various issues are presented when carrying out research involving human subject. There issues include: Invasion of privacy, Any study carried out on human should be taken with a lot of privacy so as not to expose the details of your finding. This encourages participant to be more willing to participate. Also the practice should be taken with a lot of confidentiality in that the findings are known between the researcher and the participant only. Other issues such as stress and discomfort should be avoided on participant and therefore the research should be carried out with a lot of ease.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Korean Music Essay

Traditional Korean music includes both the folk, vocal, religious and ritual music styles of the Korean people. Korean music, along with arts, painting, and sculpture has been practiced since prehistoric times. Two distinct musical cultures exist in Korea today: traditional music (Gugak) and Western music (yangak). Korean Folk music Korean folk music is varied and complex, but all forms maintain a set of rhythms (called Jangdan) and a loosely defined set of melodic modes. Because the folk songs of various areas are categorized under Dongbu folk songs, their vocal styles and modes are limited. Therefore, currently scholars are attempting to categorize the Dongbu folk songs further based on different musical features. These songs are mostly simple and bright. Namdo folk songs are those of Jeolla Province and a part of Chungcheong Province. While the folk songs of other regions are mostly musically simple, the folk songs of the Namdo region, where the famous musical genres pansori and sanjo were created, are rich and dramatic. Some Namdo folk songs are used in pansori or developed by professional singers and are included as part of their repertories. Jeju folk songs are sung on the Jeju Island. They are more abundant in number than any other regional folk songs, and approximately 1600 songs are transmitted today. Jeju folk songs are characterized by their simple and unique melodic lines and rich texts. Pansori Pansori: is a long vocal and percussive music played by one singer and one drummer. In this traditional art form, sometimes rather misleadingly called ‘Korean Opera’, a narrator may play the parts of all the characters in a story, accompanied by a drummer. The lyric tell one of five different stories, but is individualized by each performer, often with updated jokes and audience participation. One of the most famous pansori singers is Park Dongjin (hangul). Many Koreans still enjoy this music. The National Theatre of Korea provides monthly opportunities to experience traditional Korean narrative songs or pansori. Where: National Theatre of Korea, Seoul City Hall, South Korea Pungmul Pungmul: is a Korean folk music tradition that is a form of percussion music that includes drumming, dancing, and singing. Most performances are outside, with dozens of players, all in constant motion. Samul Nori, originally the name of a group founded in 1978, has become popular as a genre, even overseas. It is based on Pungmul musical rhythmic patterns and uses the same instruments, but is faster and usually played while sitting down. Sanjo  is played without a pause in faster tempos. It is entirely instrumental music, and includes changes in rhythmic and melodic modes during an individual work. The tempos increases in each movement. The general style of the sanjo is marked by slides in slow movements and rhythmic complexity in faster movements. Instruments include the changgo drum set against a melodic instrument, such as the gayageum or ajaeng. ChÃ… ngak  means literally â€Å"right (or correct) music†, and its tradition includes both instrumental and vocal music, which were cultivated mainly by the upper-class literati of the Joseon society. The Yongsan hoesang is the main repertoire of instrumental chongak tradition and the most representative chamber ensemble of Korea. The title is derived from a Korean Buddhist chang with the short text ‘Yongsan hoesang pulbosal,’ which literally means â€Å"Buddha and Bodhisattvas meet at the Spirit Vulture Peak.† The Korean Buddhist music with the texts notated in the fifteenth-century manuscript Taeak Hubo was a vocal work accompanied by an orchestra. Nongak  means â€Å"farmers’ music† and represents an important musical genre which has been developed mainly by peasants in the agricultural society of Korea. The farmers’ music is performed typically in an open area of the village. The organization of nongak varies according to locality and performing groups, and today there are a great n umber of regional styles. Shinawi  means in broadest sense, the shamanistic music of Korea which is performed during a Korean shaman’s ritual dance performance to console and to entertain deities. In this sense of word, the term is almost identical with anoth er term, shinbanggok (lit. ‘spirit chamber music’), which indicated general shamanistic music performed at a folk religious ceremony known as kut. Salp’uri is a dance for soul cleansing and literally means : â€Å"to wash away bad ghosts†. Salpuri’s modern movements represent the shown human hopes and aspirations. Court/Ritual music Korean court music preserved to date can be traced to the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty in 1392. It is now rare, except for government-sponsored organizations like The National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts. There are three types of court music. One is called Aak, and is an imported form of Chinese ritual music, and another is a pure Korean form called Hyang-ak; the last is a combination of Korean and Chinese influences, and is called Dang-ak. Aak Aak was brought to Korea in 1116 and was very popular for a time before dying out. It was revived in 1430, based on a reconstruction of older melodies. The music is now highly specialized and uses just two different surviving melodies. Aak is played only at certain very rare concerts, such as the Sacrifice to Confucius in Seoul. Dang-ak Modern dangak, like aak, is rarely practiced. Only two short pieces are known; they are Springtime in Luoyang and Pacing the Void. Hyang-ak By far the most extant form of Korean court music today, hyangak includes a sort of oboe, called a piri and various kinds of stringed instruments.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Historic Olmec City of San Lorenzo

The Historic Olmec City of San Lorenzo The Olmec culture thrived along Mexico’s Gulf coast from roughly 1200 B.C. to 400 B.C. One of the most important archaeological sites associated with this culture is known as San Lorenzo. Once, there was a great city there. Its original name has been lost to time. Considered by some archaeologists to be the first true Mesoamerican city, San Lorenzo was a very important center of Olmec commerce, religion, and political power during its heyday. Location San Lorenzo is located in Veracruz State, about 38 miles (60km) from the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmecs could not have selected a better site to build their first great city. The site was originally a large island in the middle of the Coatzacoalcos River, although the course of the river has since changed and now only flows past one side of the site. The island featured a central ridge, high enough to escape any flooding. The floodplains along the river were very fertile. The location is close to sources of stone which were used for making sculptures and buildings. Between the river on either side and the high central ridge, the site was easily defended from enemy attack. Occupation of San Lorenzo San Lorenzo was first occupied around 1500 B.C., making it one of the oldest sites in the Americas. It was home to three early settlements, referred to as the Ojochà ­ (1500-1350 B.C.), the Bajà ­o (1350-1250 B.C.), and the Chichrras (1250-1150 B.C.). These three cultures are considered pre-Olmec and are largely identified by pottery types. The Chicharrs period begins to show characteristics later identified as Olmec. The city reached its peak in the period from 1150 to 900 B.C. before falling into decline. This is referred to as the San Lorenzo era. There may have been some 13,000 inhabitants at San Lorenzo during the height of its power (Cyphers). The city then went into decline and passed into the Nacaste period from 900 to 700 B.C. The Nacaste did not have the skills of their forebears and added little in the way of art and culture. The site was abandoned for some years before the Palangana era (600-400 B.C.). These later inhabitants contributed some small mounds and a ball cou rt. The site was then abandoned for over a thousand years before it was re-occupied during the Late Classic era of Mesoamerican civilization, but the city never regained its former glory. The Archaeological Site San Lorenzo is a sprawling site which includes not only the one-time metropolis of San Lorenzo but several smaller towns and agricultural settlements that were controlled by the city. There were important secondary settlements at Loma del Zapote, where the river forked to the south of the city, and El Remolino, where the waters re-converged to the north. The most important section of the site is on the ridge, where the nobility and priest classes lived. The western side of the ridge is known as the â€Å"royal compound,† as it was home to the ruling class. This area has yielded a treasure trove of artifacts, particularly sculptures. The ruins of an important structure, the â€Å"red palace,† are also found there. Other highlights include an aqueduct, interesting monuments scattered around the site, and several artificial pits known as â€Å"lagunas,† the purpose of which is still unclear. Stonework Very little of Olmec culture has survived to the present day. The climate of the steamy lowlands where they lived has destroyed any books, burial sites, and items of cloth or wood. The most important remnants of the Olmec culture are therefore architecture and sculpture. Fortunately for posterity, the Olmec were talented stonemasons. They were capable of transporting large sculptures and blocks of stone for masonry for distances of up to 60 kilometers (37 miles). The stones were probably floated part of the way on sturdy rafts. The aqueduct at San Lorenzo is a masterpiece of practical engineering. Hundreds of similarly-carved basalt troughs and covers weighing many tons were laid out in such a way as to promote the flow of water to its destination, which was a duck-shaped cistern designated Monument 9 by archaeologists. Sculpture The Olmec were great artists and the most remarkable feature of San Lorenzo is doubtless the several dozen sculptures that have been discovered at the site and nearby secondary sites like Loma del Zapote. The Olmec were famous for their detailed sculptures of colossal heads. Ten of these heads have been found at San Lorenzo. The largest of them is nearly ten feet tall. These massive stone heads are believed to depict rulers. At nearby Loma del Zapote, two finely sculpted, nearly identical twins face two jaguars. There are also several massive stone thrones at the site. All in all, dozens of sculptures have been found in and around San Lorenzo. Some of the statues were carved out of earlier works. Archaeologists believe that the statues were used as elements in scenes with religious or political meaning. The pieces would be laboriously moved around to create different scenes. Politics San Lorenzo was a powerful political center. As one of the first Mesoamerican cities - if not the first - it did not have true contemporary rivals and ruled over a large area. In the immediate environs, archaeologists have discovered many small settlements and dwellings, mostly located on hilltops. The smaller settlements were likely ruled by members or appointments of the royal family. Smaller sculptures have been found at these peripheral settlements, suggesting that they were sent there from San Lorenzo as a form of cultural or religious control. These smaller sites were used in the production of food and other resources and were of strategic use militarily. The royal family ruled this mini-empire from the heights of San Lorenzo. Decline and Importance In spite of its promising start, San Lorenzo fell into steep decline and by 900 B. C. was a shadow of its former self. The city would be abandoned a few generations later. Archaeologists do not really know why San Lorenzos glory faded so soon after its classic era. There are a few clues, however. Many of the later sculptures were carved out of earlier ones, and some are only half-completed. This suggests that perhaps rival cities or tribes came to control the countryside, making the acquisition of new stone difficult. Another possible explanation is that if the population somehow declined, there would be insufficient manpower to quarry and transport new material. The era around 900 B.C. is also historically linked to some climatic changes, which could well have adversely affected San Lorenzo. As a relatively primitive, developing culture, the people of San Lorenzo subsisted on a handful of core crops, hunting, and fishing. A sudden change in climate could affect these crops, as well as the nearby wildlife. San Lorenzo, while not a spectacular place for visitors like Chichà ©n Itz or Palenque, is nevertheless an extremely important historical city and archaeological site. The Olmec is the parent culture of all of those which came later in Mesoamerica, including the Maya and Aztecs. As such, any insight gained from the earliest major city is of inestimable cultural and historical value. It is unfortunate that the city has been raided by looters and many priceless artifacts have been lost or rendered valueless by being removed from their place of origin. It is possible to visit the historical site, although many of the sculptures are currently found elsewhere, such as the Mexican National Museum of Anthropology and the Xalapa Anthropology Museum. Sources Coe, Michael D. Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. Ancient Peoples and Places, Rex Koontz, 7th Edition, Thames Hudson, June 14, 2013. Cyphers, Ann. San Lorenzo, Veracruz. Arqueologà ­a Mexicana, No. 87, 2019. Diehl, Richard. The Olmecs: Americas First Civilization. Ancient Peoples Places, Hardcover, Thames Hudson, December 31, 2004.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Using a and an Before Words

Using a and an Before Words Using a and an Before Words Using a and an Before Words By Daniel Scocco Raphael asks: When should I use â€Å"a† and when should I use â€Å"an† before the different words? For example, should I say â€Å"a hour† or â€Å"an hour?† I stumble over this everytime and dontt know if Im getting it right, as Im not speaking and writing English natively. The Rule The rule states that â€Å"a† should be used before words that begin with consonants (e.g., b, c ,d) while â€Å"an† should be used before words that begin with vowels (e.g., a,e,i). Notice, however, that the usage is determined by the pronunciation and not by the spelling, as many people wrongly assume. You should say, therefore, â€Å"an hour† (because hour begins with a vowel sound) and â€Å"a history† (because history begins with a consonant sound). Similarly you should say â€Å"a union† even if union begins with a â€Å"u.† That is because the pronunciation begins with â€Å"yu†, which is a consonant sound. Abbreviations Deciding which version you should use with abbreviations is the tricky part. First of all you need to understand if the abbreviation is pronounced as a single word or letter by letter. While we say â€Å"a light-water reactor,† the abbreviation is â€Å"an LWR.† Similarly, you should use â€Å"an NBC reporter† (because â€Å"NBC† is pronounced â€Å"enbisi†) and â€Å"a NATO authority† (because â€Å"NATO† begins with a â€Å"ne† sound). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingStory Writing 101The Two Sounds of G

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Benjamins Character Essay

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Benjamins Character - Essay Example This paper stresses that Genre, Mise-en-scà ¨ne, lighting, camera angle, sound, and narrative are some of the film-making techniques used in this film. This paper is going to analyze these film-making techniques used in the film, and describe how Benjamin was able to face all the difficulties in his life. According to Campsall, a film’s genre hints what to expect in the film, and this film’s genre ranges between science fiction, romance and history. Science fiction is used because Benjamin’s condition at birth, and the way he lived from old to young cannot exist. From this paper it is clear that Romance is also a genre used in this film and it can be seen in the way Benjamin falls in love with Daisy. She developed a close friendship with him from an early age, and even though they were separated at some point, they still loved each other. The movie is set in the just after the end of the First World War, and history as a genre can be seen here. There is family who lost their child in war, and there is a time when Benjamin and a crew in a ship were in war for America. One can be able to see the livelihood of people during that time and learn a few things about history. The movie starts in a hospital, and the director only shows old Daisy lying on the bed, her daughter, and an attending nurse. Mise-en-scà ¨ne is used here because the hospital’s name is not shown, and other patients are also not shown.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Critical research paper - Essay Example Creon judgment that Polyneices body was not to receive a proper burial brought out different characters of Antigone and Isemene. Polyneices body would be left unburied and be consumed by birds or animals (Heaney 2). Antigone and Isemene are different in their conduct as exposed in their character. Wolf (6) highlights that; Antigone has strong convictions and chooses to follow them. In contrast, Isemene is complacent and reluctant to act upon her convictions. Antigone believes that their brother should receive a proper burial by performing apposite burial rites. Although Polyneices was the aggressor in Thebes struggle, Antigone considers that he should be buried since he was a member of the family. Antigone’s actions are visualized as a reflection of her will because she defies the king. Greek women did not enjoy freedom as the men did. This is why Creon’s determination to defeat Antigone is motivated because she is a woman. There were societal structures accompanied by rules that defined the place of woman in Greek. Men were placed higher in hierarchy than women. Antigone perspective repels the stipulated gender roles because she is rebellious. Antigone breaks the rules of Greek culture by refusing to be passive. Isemene chooses to be compliant with the rules of Greek culture to avoid displeasing her customs. Isemene’s perspective on men is that they are superior to women and women should be submissive. Cultural viewpoint on men as superior to women makes Isemene believe that men should be obeyed. Isemene realizes the short falls of the Greek’s perspective on women as problematic. Creon sees his mistake and cannot apologize to a woman, because he would go against his cultural practice. The outstanding behavior of Antigone as a woman is that she defies the kings decree, yet she is a woman. Even though disobedience punishment is death, Antigone chooses to disobey Creon who is also a member of her family

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mark Twain, His Life and Inspiration to Write Research Paper

Mark Twain, His Life and Inspiration to Write - Research Paper Example His younger schooling life was troublesome as he was plagued by illness during the first seven years of his life. His behaviour was almost eccentric, and he had a tendency to wander away from home and as a boy he read adventure stories of pirates and knights in the heroic fiction and poetry of such authors as Sir Walter Scott, Lord Byron and James Fennimore Cooper. He thought of these writers as exemplary and he would not have become the highly original writer that in time he became. He was always a reader though he usually chose to present himself as far from being bookish. When his schooling came to close, he took a part time job that would later become his career. He served as a delivery boy and an office boy, became a printer’s apprentice for the hometown newspaper, the Hannibal Courier as he was following in the footstep of his brother Orion, nearly six years his elder, who has the same career in 1839. Two decades later, he wrote, â€Å"Education continued in the offices of the Hannibal ‘Courier’ & the ‘Journal,’ as an apprentice printer†. He served in all capabilities, including staff work as the Courier’s makeshift library introduced him to humorous publications such as The Spirit of the Times. He later found his concerns with victimisation and humiliation particularly congenial to his talents and attributes. For a short time, he adopted from the south frontier stories on the use of slang and elaborate misspellings. Like many of other writers associated with his school, he adopted a pen name. The successful publication of his work in the East made him turn his attention to local publication and was able to publish several items, some as a consequence of a... The successful publication of his work in the East made him turn his attention to local publication and was able to publish several items, some as a consequence of a disagreement with the editor of the Hannibal Tri-Weekly Messenger, whom he tried to embarrass. In May 1853, young Mark was awarded â€Å"our Assistant’s Column† and the column criticised newspapers that borrowed without credit. In mid-august, having been unable to find work in New York he took up a job as a typesetter and developed a literary technique he was to make good use of throughout his career. In the spring of 1854, he was obliged to leave the east because of what he latter termed as financial stress and then took his printing skills back to the Mississippi valley, sitting upright in the smoking car for two to three days and nights, as his interest in humour and in writing arose directly from his pleasure in books and in printer’s libraries and later his own substantial collection, he was an insatiable writer.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Environmental Problems In The Superstructure Construction Construction Essay

Environmental Problems In The Superstructure Construction Construction Essay To identify the environmental problems in the superstructure construction, we need to recognize the environmental aspect of this site. So that identifies the environmental impact or problems. According to the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management system, it lists out several environmental aspects a) emissions to air, b) releases to water, c) releases to land, d) use of raw materials and natural resources, e) use of energy, f) energy emitted, e.g. heat, radiation, vibration, g) waste and by-products, and h) physical attributes, e.g. size, shape, colour, appearance. Environmental aspect and impact Emissions to air During construction, all the material e.g. ready mixed concrete truck will deliver to the site by trucks or other vehicles, any transportation method to the site will require fuel to run. Thus they will release some pollutant to the air like CO, CO2, NO, NO2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Impact Global warming will become more obviously. Although CO2 can maintain the temperature in the earth, excessive CO2 emission will cause green house effect. If the temperature continuous rise, it will become a big disaster for example the mean sea level will increase and the land will drown due to the ice in polar is melted. On the other hand, some of the pollutant will affect the health of human for example NO2 can irritate the lungs and lower resistance to respiratory infection such as influenza. Releases to water Due to the statutory requirement in Hong Kong, the exit of the site must install a wheel washing system to avoid any dust or pollutants bring to outside environment by vehicles. This kind of system will consume so much water and the water will be soil water. Any discharging of waste water will cause pollution. Impact If the waste water is directly discharged to the soil without any treatment, the toxic chemical inside the water will affect the existing plants or tree. The soil will store the toxic contaminant even passing many years. Also, the waste water will create a bad smell to environment. They may not damage the human health, but the bad smell will affect the working condition for worker. Releases to land The site area will divide to several parts for storage area. However this kind of material may be highly corrosion to the existing land for example cement is acidic and the soil is alkali. When cement is leakage to the soil, the soil original property will change and harmful the existing tree and plants. Impact The soil contamination will happen; the soil will become harmful to the existing tree and plant. This effect will not disappear in a short time; it is a long term effect. Use of raw materials and natural resources Timber is one kind of natural resources. It made by tree e.g. hard wood, soft wood. In building construction, timber is playing a very important role of construction material. The most commonly type is timber formwork. Before discharging the fresh concrete, timber formwork will form the fresh concrete to required shape. However the timber formwork cannot use many times because the fresh concrete will corrode the timber formwork. Impact The tree needs to take long time to grow, so timber will not provide without limit. In addition, there are many other products made by timber like furniture, paperà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ If the timber is over used and the timber becomes less production, it will very inconvenient for human life. Moreover the tree have a function to absorb the CO2, so when more and more tree disappear, the situation of global warning will get worse. Also the root of the tree can hold tightly to the soil, when the tree is cut, more chance to happen landslide in sloping area. Use of energy and f) energy emitted All the equipments will require electricity to operate in the site for example some hand tools use by worker, lighting system, passenger hoist and material hoist. On the other hand the machine will consume fuel to operate during excavation or transportation. During piling work on the site, the piling process will create big noise and vibration to the environment. Nevertheless, other construction process will also generate big impaction to environment. Impact Since the electricity is come from the fossil fuel by generator, the fossil fuel will create lot of containments like CO2 when burn them. As the above mention, CO2 will lead to green house effect and global warming will appear. Huge vibration will easily get settlement in adjacent buildings. Also the noise will annoy people and become noise pollution. Waste and by-products and h) physical attributes, They are almost same as the above mention. Reference Safety plan What is a safety plan? Safety plan is a document to direct the safety activity for a project. The main idea of the safety plan is to minimize the accident which causes worker injury and any hazard of their health. It will include the following things 1.Safety Policy, 2.Safety Organization, 3.Safety Training, 4.In-house Safety rules regulations, 5.Safety Committee, 6.Programme for inspection of hazardous conditions, 7.Job hazard analyze, 8.Person Protection Programme (PPP), 9.Accident/incident investigation, 10.Emergency preparedness, 11.Safety Promotion, 12.Health Assurance Programme, 13.Evaluation selection and control of subcontractor, 14.Process control programme Safety Policy We need to follow the statutory requirements Factory Industrial Undertakings Ordinance and Regulations Dangerous Goods Ordinance and Regulations Electricity Ordinance Fire Services Ordinance Builders Lifts and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance Any related ordinances and regulations Safety Organization The following safety responsibilities should be clearly assigned: Monitoring the implementation and compliance of the Site Safety Plan Arrangement for regular reporting and communication Preparation of method statement, hazard identification survey, risk assessment and establishment of risk control system and monitoring its effectiveness and progress Training and promotion communicating with the enforcement agencies and outside advisory sources Reactive action to staff suggestion Subcontractors First-aid officer, competent persons and examiners 3. Safety Training To ensure the worker can use the machine properly to speed up the construction sequence and avoid the accident happening. The project should provide the following training like: Aerial Lift Operator Training Crane Operator Training Defensive Driver Training Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training Before the work start, it should have a site orientation or induction of training. The orientations provide a forum for the owner/managing contractor to convey its commitment to provide a safe working environment for all individuals on the job site. There also is an opportunity to remind everyone of their responsibility to give due consideration to safety while planning and conducting their work. This is the time to reinforce their responsibility not to expose others on the job site to risks or hazards. 4. In-house Safety rules regulations The entire worker in the site must wear the safety helmet and when the worker needs to wear the safety rope before they require working in height. The worker should wear the air-purifying respirators like mask to avoid any harmful contaminants inhale to worker body. Before the worker start to work, they must have suitable certificate with the corresponded safety training course. So the worker can prove they have required ability to work. Confined Space Certified Worker Safety Training Course Forklift Truck Operator License Examination Course Safety Training Course for Electric Arc Welding Manual Lifting and Handling Competent Person Safety Training Course Electrician License A Trade Test Preparation Course Electrician License B Trade Test Preparation Course Safety Committee Establish regularly coordinating meeting and site safety committee arrangement. Programme for inspection of hazardous conditions Regular inspection on the site the time interval is based on the past performance and hazard profile. Establish the inspection profile like compliance and safety walk and responsible personnel (including site senior management, safety officers and safety supervisors) Using the checklist to ensure they are fulfilled the standard. Job hazard analyze There are many hazards on the site like: Fall from height Falling objects Stepping on or striking against object Hazards associated with operation of machinery, transport and earth moving equipment such as concrete mixing plants, trucks, bulldozers, excavators etc. Hazards associated with lifting of materials, both mechanical and manual. Electrical hazards Fire hazards Chemical hazards Collapse of earth during excavation, slope cutting After we identify the corresponding the risk of the hazard, we can arrange the suitable solution to minimize the accident. Person Protection Programme (PPP) We must ensure that the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is the last resort after exhausting the hazard control. The PPE includes Safety helmet, safety footwear, UV protection (e.g. long sleeve shirts, wide brim hats, 15+ sunscreen) and eye, hearing and respiratory protection The selection and procurement must choose appropriate PPE with the qualification. We should provide suitable training to the worker to show how to use, storage and maintenance of the PPE. For example, we need to provide the safety helmets cabinet to store them. Accident/incident investigation Establish a system of notification, recording and reporting. We should provide some systematic arrangement for investigation and implementation of remedial measures to curb further recurrence. Structured approach for compiling and analyzing accident Statistics. Arrangement for studying the trends of accidents and formulate strategies for enhancement of performance. Emergency preparedness For small fire accident, it should provide the suitable fire-extinguisher e.g. water CO2, foamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to stamp out the fire. For large fire accident, all the construction work must stop and follow the emergency routes to escape. Also, alarm system should be provided to remind worker to escape. For heavy typhoon like signal 8 and the red and black signal of the rainstorm, all the construction work must stop. We should provide the emergency manual on the site which contains: An emergency plan Floor plans and layout showing emergency exits, firefighting equipment Diagrams and layout of dangerous goods stores Telephone numbers of key company personnel, the police, etc. A list of outside bodies qualified to assist with special problem Safety Promotion We should have regularly meeting to the worker on site to promote the safety construction. Also we can establish the award and penalty system e.g. pay safety. If they can fulfill the safety requirement, they can get extra money. Otherwise, it will be reverse. Using the posters, magazines, newsletters, accident statistics displays video to increase the safety awareness of the worker. Health Assurance Programme We should provide some system such as pre-employment and medical examination programme for monitoring the exposure of labour. Noise control and provide suitable ear protector to the worker if they need to work in high noise area. Provide enough toilet facilities, hand washing, drinking water, resting and eating place and facilities for storage of personal protective equipment. Evaluation selection and control of subcontractor Means of communication and coordination with subcontractors and their employees and appropriate sub-contractor control. We must provide properly test system to check that all tools, materials and substances used by the subcontractors comply with statutory requirements. Establish some systems for reviewing subcontractors performance. For example if the sub-contractor cannot fulfill the standard, they will be exchanged. Process control programme Arrangement and procedures for ensuring that safety rules, and working sequence have been established and implemented for all safety and health aspects, and in particular a safe system of work, safe working method statement and permit-to-work system for highly risky operations, including but not limited to the following: Management of the Place of Work Fire Arrangements including precautions and firefighting equipment Work in confined spaces Working at height House keeping Protection against falling objects Management of Tasks and Operations Excavations Lifting operations Mechanical materials handling Temporary works Management of Equipment, Plant, Materials and Services Compressed air tools Electricity supply system Electrical works Portable tools Two main hurdles for the implementation of safety plan I think the money and labour safety awareness are two main hurdles. Since the money is the main domino of the whole project. Provide the safety training to the worker will spend extra time in the whole construction project. Some clients will argue that why dont we spend the time to work to speed up the whole project. Also, we need to use some human resource to supervise the construction process. Since the main purpose of the construction company is making profits. Even the project manager knows that the higher quality and standard of the personal protective equipment will be more safety. However, it will pay more money and increase the total construction cost. From the above reason, the project manager will do the minimize things of the statutory requirement; they will not do the best about the safety, so that they can have maximum return in the construction project. The other hurdle for the implementation of safety is the safety awareness of the worker. The labour will think that the personal protective equipment is very inconvenient for work. For example, they think that wear safety rope work in height will disturb their working. It is because the safety rope will limit the working area. And if they only work for few minutes at height, they will not wear them due to require extra work. Also, the worker cannot correctly use the PPE, so they cannot function properly. Quality plan The main elements of the quality are the following things: Management responsibility We need to define different quality duty of different position of Executive Committee, Project Manager, Construction Quality Assurance Manager, Design Quality Assurance Manager, Sampling and Testing Personnel, Staff Inspectors, Testing Technician, Geotechnical Engineer Pile Driving Analyst, QA Surveyor and Construction Manager. For example the duty of the Project Manager is responsible for organization and maintenance of a document control system for all quality data, coordinate quality check point in quality control programme reviews, and ensure reviews coordinated with outside entities. Objective of the quality plan Consistency meets the standard and requirement of the client To deliver the project on time with agree quality and prize To maintain and continually improve the quality of management systems To maintain and continually improve the quality of whole project Establish the quality policy To achieve the highest standard and quality of the project, it should be provided highly professional construction team. Establish the long term relationship between supplier and sub-contractor Follow the standard of ISO9001_2008. The construction work must under the supervision and inspection by authorize people. Provide training to the worker who is the first time come on the site. When any problems arise, the solving method should not be downgraded the target quality. Communicate the expectations of this Policy to all employees and stakeholders. Fulfill the client requirement Treating all our employees with respect, equality and fairness Resource management For human resource, we need to provide training to teach them how to properly use the equipments. Also demonstrate the require standard for them to reach the require quality. For material purchase and selection, we need to choose a properly material with suitable budget. Since the prize will directly affect the quality, so the budget arrangement is very important. Well-known and reputation supplier company should be selected to ensure the material quality. Inspection testing and quality audit We should establish the acceptable standard to the worker like accepted level of defection. After the standard is published, we need to provide suitable testing to ensure that they can reach the require standard. Then, it will be recorded for future improvement. An internal quality audit system will introduce in this project and it will be implemented during each phase of the project. Document control Establish the recording system and process to control Project Documents at each Project Phase. Ensure that the latest information is provided to the all staff and workers, so they shall use the update information to process the construction work. Two main hurdles for the implementation of quality plan The Purpose of a Project Quality Plan Task 2 Social obligations and professional responsibilities of legal and ethical issues According to the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Management, the project manager shall: in fulfilling their professional responsibilities and the duties which they undertake, have full regard to the public interest. demonstrate a level of competence consistent with their professional. ensure, when undertaking any other construction related activity, that all such work is in accordance with good practice and current standards and complies with all statutory and contractual requirements; at no time improperly offer or accept gifts or favors which would be affect the client to obtain preferential treatment; keep them informed of current thinking and developments appropriate to the type and level of their responsibility. They should be able to provide evidence that they have undertaken sufficient study and personal development to fulfill their professional obligations in accordance with the current guidelines not offer or provide whether to a prospective Client or a third party any gift or favor whether in money or otherwise designed to secure instructions for work not undertake work for which they knowingly lack sufficient professional or technical competence, or the adequate resources to meet their obligation Social obligations and professional responsibilities of client protection The project manager shall: not divulge to any person, firm or company any information of a confidential nature relating to the business activities or processes of their Employer or Client acquired during the course of their work; not, without the permission of their Employer or Client, render any services, with or without remuneration, which conflicts with the interests of their Employer or Client; ensure, when providing an advisory service, that the advice given is fair and unbiased; if undertaking any other construction related activity be required to maintain insurances and indemnify their Client against the risks for which insurance is commonly effected arising out of the works in respect of workmen, third parties and adjoining properties; when acting for a Client or when in contemplation of acting for a prospective Client whose interests conflict or may conflict with his own, or those of any of his associates to disclose the relevant facts forthwith to the Client or prospective Client and to the associate and where such disclosure is oral to confirm the same in writing at the earliest opportunity and inform the Client that he shall be unable to act or continue to act unless the Client requests him to do so; keep in one or more bank accounts separate from his own, his firms or his companys bank account (as the case may be) any Clients money held by or entrusted to him, his firm or his company in any capacity other than that of beneficial owner; account at the due time for all moneys held, paid or received on behalf of or from any person (whether a Client or not) entitled to such account and whether or not after the taking of such account any payment is due to such person.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Awakening Essays: A Reader Response :: Chopin Awakening Essays

A Reader Response to The Awakening The Awakening is a story that was written when women weren't allowed to be independent. Kate Chopin was even criticized for the main character's conduct; "Certainly there is throughout the story an undercurrent of sympathy of Edna, and nowhere a single note of censure of her totally unjustifiable conduct" and another said; "the purport of the story can hardly be described in language fit for publication." But who can blame them. Edna was a bold woman. She was independent, kept male friends, felt passion, was disrespectful to her husband and did not spend much time with her children. Edna was an independent women when women were not allowed to be independent. She openly defied her husband. Remember at the lake when she decided she did not want to go inside when her husband told her to and the fact the she would not go to New York to be with her husband. After he left she decided to use her own money, and deliberately would not use his things in her new/ pigeon house was another exampl e of this. She even made a big deal of having him "pay" for her party. She wanted to express herself and to become creative, which Chopin shows through her art. Edna also starts to associate with art-type people, musicians. I sometimes wonder why she started to hang around the pianist when she obviously didn't like her during the summer. Was this Edna's way to explore her artistic talents, or was it to get closer to Robert? Edna's husband appears to be the stereotypical husband of his time. He stayed away most of the time in the summer, visiting on weekends at the beach cottage, but spending allot of time with his male friends playing card games. He appears to love his family, but is hugely critical of Edna. He complains to her about the children, the maids and the food. I don't remember their being pleasant and loving words between the two of them, there was show of emotion, but only when he was leaving. Mr. P. never realizes that his wife might want to be her own person, have her own interest beside having visitors, making sure his dinner is good and being his wife. When the Doctor tells him to be gentle to his wife and not quarrel with her, that things will pass, it gives him another reason to break free from a family that he has already emotionally distracted from anyway.