Tuesday, February 4, 2020

ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

ETHICS - Essay Example For instance, a consequentialist may at times compromise on lying to someone depending on the situation while a deontologist may not at anytime condone lying of any sort. The case is, however, different for a virtue ethicist, which puts into consideration on what the implication of telling or not telling a lie has on someone’s character (Aristotle 3). Consequently, for a virtue ethicist, the morality of lying is dependent on factors such as group or personal benefits and intentions. The Aristotelian virtue ethics will help deal with the morality dilemma of the invisible ring in a considerable number of ways. An individual while wearing the ring might be tempted to do certain things, voluntary actions. Aristotle explained that ethics is more practical than it is theoretical, therefore, the determinant of my responsibilities while wearing the ring, is my human nature (8). Prior to indulging in any action while wearing the ring, ethics virtue requires me to carry out a moral evaluation of any action presupposing the attributions and contributions of responsibility to other people. The actions that I decide to undertake should at all times be voluntary. Most importantly, the action that I choose to engage myself in while wearing the rings ought to result to giving me true happiness and satisfaction. I will make a deliberate decision on the moral dilemma of wearing the magical ring after I have weighed in my character and the Aristotelian virtue ethics. Should my ch aracter and the Aristotelian virtue ethics be compatible, I would wear the ring if not I would not wear the ring. Confucius social harmony ethics is also the Confucianism or Ruism that occasionally has the descriptions of a religion. Aristotle explained that the Confucian philosophy has shaped and inspired generations for hundreds of years, with its impacts evident in the people’s cultural structures and beliefs (5). The

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