Monday, January 27, 2020

About netbook

About netbook 1. Introduction A netbook is a laptop computer which has a screen of approximately 10 inches from corner to corner; it also has a slower processor compared with larger sized laptops. They are mainly designed for basic tasks such as internet browsing and word processing. 1 Between 2007 and 2008, the worldwide sale of netbook computers has jumped from approximately 400,000 to 11.4 million units. This market is clearly growing with this figure being forecast to become even larger with a 189% increase to 21.5 million units in 20092. This growth is mainly due to the shifting buying pattern of the public to netbooks from notebooks and laptops. Nokia has had huge success with its mobile phone technology and as the market leader it has presence in â€Å"every segment† of the mobile phone market3. Nokias highly innovative research and development efforts have allowed the company to remain ahead of the competition. It now looks to diversify and add to its product line by introducing its new booklet computer, the â€Å"Nokia 3G Booklet†. The objective of this report is to analyse the three aspects of the UK marketing environment with regards to the Nokia 3G Booklet following the recent launch of the product. The report will conclude to whether this new class of product is likely be a success for Nokia in the UK. 2. Method The report will look at the three marketing environments: micro environment, macro environment and internal environment and will then make a conclusion to whether the Nokia 3G Booklet is likely to be a success in the UK. To carry out this analysis; various background information was gathered about the computer industry. This information was collected from internet resources, textbooks, and lecture notes. The following models were used to elucidate the findings: DEEPLIST analysis Porters Five Force Model SWOT analysis 3. Analysis The three aspects of the marketing environment which will be analysed, with regards to Nokias introduction of the Nokia 3G Booklet, are the micro environment, the macro environment and the internal environment. 4.1 Macro environment The macro environment is â€Å"The actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing managements ability to build and maintain successful relationships with customers†. (Harker, 2009:p602) A DEEPLIST analysis has been used to examine the effects of demographics, economic, environmental, political, legal and technological factors upon the product. Demographics With large numbers of students requiring computers which are lighter and more mobile than notebooks to take to lectures, it is clear that the student demographic is likely to buy netbooks. The netbooks are also likely to be popular with businessmen who need to be able to take their work wherever they go. These products may also become more popular with an aging population since they are much easier to carry about than bigger laptops. In addition, these laptops are only designed for simple tasks and this demographic is unlikely to use these computers for complex tasks. Economic The world has just had an economic meltdown over the past year, however there are clear signs of recovery, with the US, France and Germany now technically out of recession. The UK is still in recession with a GDP of -0.3%. The government has issued a Consumer Price Index of a 1.5%. Environmental The netbooks are much smaller than most laptops and notebooks and thus need fewer materials to manufacture. The light weight also means that there is less of a carbon footprint with regards to shipping. Netbooks are also extremely efficient; requiring only 30 watts compared with 65 watts in a notebook meaning that a great deal of power is saved if netbooks are used as opposed to bigger computers. Netbooks are now considered to be much more of a disposable technology due to their low price. Thus, whenever the technology may become relatively out-dated, consumers are likely to purchase another, resulting in an increased amount of wastage of obsolete products and therefore an increased amount of environmental damage. The netbook computers are also considered as a supplementary computer. Although netbooks consume less energy, they are also made with the same toxic materials as other computers and with no push to change this from manufacturers, disposal of the netbooks is likely to remain harmful to the environment.4 Thus, weighing up the costs and benefits of the netbooks in comparison with other laptops, they are much more environmentally friendly than many of their counterparts such as notebooks and desktop computers. Their lighter design and low power consumption mean they are also cheaper to produce and operate. Political/Legal Nokia may find it easier to break into the European market than America. This would be due to the fact that Nokia is a European company with strong market penetration of its mobile telephony products. The EU would likely support the company more than it would for Apple. Technological Nokia has now included a 3G and GPS, allowing customers to connect almost anywhere and view their position on a map. The 3G Booklet now also has the ability to send SMS messages. The Booklet is also one of the first computers to include windows 7. These new features are likely to enhance the attraction of the products for potential customers. 4.2 Micro environment â€Å"The actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers the company, the suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors and publics†, (Harker, 2009:p602) Porters Five Force Model (shown in appendix 2) will be used to analyse the micro environment for the Nokia 3G Booklet. Existing Competitors The netbook market is extremely competitive, with the main competition shown in appendix 1. However, the market is expected to grow by 189% in 2009 so there should be room for additional products. The main competition in the market is from Asus whose closest product by comparison is the Asus EEE PC 1005HA Seashell Netbook. This product is just over half the expected price of the Nokia 3G Booklet and has almost the exact same specifications. For instance, both netbooks have a 1GB of RAM memory. The high price tag on the Nokia 3G Booklet also brings the computer into competition with notebook computers which have much higher specifications and even still is a high price by comparison. Nokia have also re-named their product as a â€Å"Booklet† to distinguish itself from the competition. Nokia looks to emulate the success of Apple by breaking into the market as a premium quality product. It appears that Nokia have deliberately designed the product to mimic the features of the Macbook and thus presenting a better quality due to the already perceived quality of Apple. The main problem for Nokia is they have targeted a premium market for computers. This suggests that if the customer was going to buy a high end product then they will be willing to spend an extra  £200 to purchase an Apple Macbook, which already has a huge name for itself in terms of quality. Threat of new Entrants The Nokia 3G Booklet is a new entrant into the notebook market. Threat of new Substitutes There have been rumours recently of an Apple Macbook Touch which is in the same price region as the Nokia 3G Booklet. This product is essentially a touch screen Apple Macbook. This technology has already been implemented into Apples iphone; which was a huge seller. For customers looking for a computer, they may be willing to experiment and purchase this new product from Apple because of the strength of the brand. This would reduce the number of customers of Nokia substantially if the product were to catch on. Bargaining power of suppliers Key components which are used to produce the Nokia 3G Booklets may be fairly limited, especially since the competitors are also looking to buy the same materials. Bargaining power of customers In the event that the Booklets would not be as popular as previously assumed, it is highly likely that Nokia would reduce the price of the product. 4.3 The Internal Environment Employees Nokia may struggle in the near future as recent news has emerged that the company plans to lay off 550 employees working in the research and development department of the company. This could result in the company being much less innovative in producing new products. 5. Conclusions The SWOT analysis (see appendix 3) for the Nokia 3G Booklet Booklet illustrates that the products main strength is its brand name and loyalty gained from its large presence in the mobile phone market. The company can also be seen as being innovative with its new GPS, 3G and SMS functions being integrated into the machines. The numbers of netbooks being sold are predicted to grow in the next few years, giving Nokia the opportunity to establish itself in the computer market. Apple, Acer and Asus are the main current competitors to Nokias new product. Acer and Asus appear to be targeting the low end of the computer market and Apple the high end of the spectrum. This leaves a gap in the market for Nokia to target consumers who wish a better quality product with a better brand name than Acer and Asus, but who do not want to pay the higher price of a Macbook. Thus, from the arguments drawn up from this report for and against the likely hood of success for the Nokia 3G Booklet; the product is likely to be a success in the UK market, with the next section giving recommendations as to how Nokia could increase its chances of success. 6. Recommendations The Nokia 3G Booklet is a newcomer to the computer market and therefore cannot rely solely upon its strong brand image to succeed. This report recommends the following actions in order for the product to be more successful in the UK market: Nokia should lower the price of the product due to the availability of competitors products with similar technological specifications, yet a much lower price. The price should be reduced, however should still be higher than the majority of the competition to maintain the high perceived value of the product. Increase CPU performance to speed up computer. This will attract more customers who wish to run applications much quicker. 7. References 13rdalbum, (2009) â€Å"Difference between notebooks and netbooks† 2Dylan McGrath, (2009) â€Å"Analysis: Did Intel underestimate netbook success?†] 3Andrew Mathew â€Å"Nokia Mobile Phones Market Leader, Undoubtedly† 4Jaymi Heimbuch, (2009) â€Å"Are Netbooks Green? 6 Pros and Cons 5Nokia, (2009) â€Å"Research† Office for National Statistics, (2009) â€Å"Latest Indicators) ERcomputers, (2009) â€Å"Laptop and Notebook Overheating† Andreas G, (2009) â€Å"Acer leading netbook market, ASUS close second†,8715.html Acer, (2009) â€Å"Acer Aspire One 751† Nokia, (2009) â€Å"Nokia 3G Booklet Features† Desire Athow, (2009) â€Å"Asus EEE PC 1005HA Seashell Netbook Review† Macbook Touch, (2009) â€Å"Macbook Touch† Pete Cashmore, (2009)Apple Tablet May Launch in September Czech Airlines (2009)â€Å"Porters Five forces model† Dan Ackerman, (2009)â€Å"Nokia Booklet 3G (black) Laptop reviews†;col1 PhoneArena Team, (2009) â€Å"Nokia fires 550 employees of its RD division†

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Straying to the roulette table I saw a man with a long black coat advanced towards me

Win! That's the last thing I did. It was amazing! At the age of 24 I had the best run of anyone. It was Sunday 1st of January, it started with a crossword. Going through the questions; one had stomped me, the question was â€Å"† 6 letters down and I was clueless. Then scavenging for words â€Å"danger† was the one that stood out the most, I looked at it strangely. Wildly, the door bell rang. The few seconds that I was walking towards the door I wondered who could be here at this time, 5:00am on this frosty winter's morning. Adrenalin rushed through my body. Slowly the door creaked open like one of those murder movie. Peering out of the door I saw with my first glance a man about the same age and size as me, then looking properly I gazed again no one was there. The giant of a door shut, turning I saw that a letter sluggish glided down towards the floor. The letter, it had nothing on it just at the back a wax, red, black eagle crescent holding the letter closed. Irresolute looking, my hand slowly shaking quavering went to open the letter excited and feeling miss lead by the figure at the door. My hands where on it, opening it when I was interrupted by the phone computer and mobile ringing at the same time. Picking up the phone no one was on the other end. The computer had an email â€Å"you are invited to an annual opening of the Royal Casino.† â€Å"You will be escorted there by your personal butler.† It didn't hit me until I got over the email that, the shady figure at the door might be my butler. There was a 3 second pause in the house I thought â€Å"why was I invited to this casino if I was a nobody?† Feeling dizzy, I when to the kitchen to get a drink of water, filed 3/4 of a wine glass when realising that the letter was still in my hand. As if I was drunk I opened the letter saying†¦ The next day I woke up at about 5:31 a few seconds later the bell rang again. It was him. Looking at me with his deadly amber eyes it felt like he was peering through my very soul using some sort of supernatural powers. The butler asked me what my name was. My mouth was open for a few seconds thinking what to say before I said â€Å"Carlos.† â€Å"Sorry I couldn't properly introduce myself yesterday in the morning† â€Å"my name is Earl† the voice was an extremely posh English accent; he probably came from a long line of high respected people. Suddenly a cold wind breeze shot down my spine making me wonder why I was going to this place I had hardly played in a casino before. â€Å"We will have to go in around 30 minutes† â€Å"we have a tight schedule.† Looking at my watch I started counting it was weird, my head didn't feel right. Escorted to the car it felt like having my own 15 seconds of fame. It took us 32 minutes and a half to get there; when we reached our destination we had 3 guards outside escorting all of us in. The place was armed to the teeth with players. â€Å"Play what ever you want.† Ever player had there unique style of winning. Thinking to myself I didn't know where should I start? Rubbing my hand quickly together, I started playing. Straying to the roulette table I saw a man with a long black coat advanced towards me. We both sat down to play, seemingly a ruthless game. Anticipating my every move he placed the money right on the jackpot. Undergoing this defeat I grow in strength raising the stakes declaring war on that man. Determine not to lose I placed a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½50,000 bet on number 14 red. Lifting my hand of lead my eyes shone with light. Weirdly I became the centre of attraction putting à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000 smugly in my pocket. Steering up he gave me an impregnable look, smiled and walked off towards a man in a shadow. While examining more closely standing there amber eyed butler Earl was leaning on the wall and strangely doing nothing. Slowly I proceeded towards him, when his amber eyes tried to corrupt my vision. I stood tremendously and strutted on towards him. Contemptuously, he wanted to say that â€Å"a gentleman was really interested in me and had invited me to go to the VIP section to play a great game of blackjack.† I started to move towards them gradually my heart started to beat faster, going at the speed of a fighter jet. Walking on I started thinking what was with me that people have began to take interest with. The black coated man brought out a 10.5 inch pistol and directed it straight at my head. Unanticipated he plummeted towards the floor. Turning him round I saw a small dart hole in his chest, this could only be made by a blowgun. Thinking to my self I wondered why I was stressing over he killer (saving my life). I went over to the VIP zone amazed that no-one was disturbed by this. There was a tall; man sitting down on an expensive leather seat hand stitched to match the feelings of that person, a brown eyed man called Rasior me asking if I wanted to join in on the game of blackjack. Under shock I wondered if this sort of fiasco would happen again with these sorts of people. The dealer deals the cards and feeling lucky I causally looked at the cards, the 10 of hearts and clubs. I then raised the money to a substantial amount. We all open our hands and I had 20, the rest had 21, the winning number. Gasping for breath I shook my head placed a bet and played again. My loss in confidence might have had a big effect on me. While dealing I hoped I would have better cards this time round. 3 of clubs and 8 of spades; I asked for one more, king of spades. Adding them, a small smirk shone upon my face. 21! Watching them turn over the cards, a wave of sweat was brought out on my face. 21, 21, and 21 weirdly that Rasior won again having the higher valued cards then the rest. Playing on it seamed that luck was not on my side, 3:00 am the match continued and my luck streak shone. Showing that there was hope still in there for me. The last 2 grand; (last chance) to win something worth wile. I knew that I had to get a blackjack or I would loose the game, the first card was a jack then while turning over the second card life seemed to stand still gradually it was all over. 6:00am time for my early morning run. Swiftly the phone rang when I was out shutting the door. I abscond towards the phone. I picked it up and started talking. Again there was no- one on the other end of there phone. Leaping through the window 5-8 black figures encompassed me. Looking at my self on the floor some red liquid substance pouring out of me†¦

Friday, January 10, 2020

APA Paper Template

Fort Hood, the military reservation located in Killeen, Texas and 20-year- old Adam Lana fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members of the Sandy Creek Elementary School located in Newton, Connecticut. Both males had a history of mental illness and the deaths and injuries could possibly have avoided if the gun control regulations were stricter or included a provision for restricting access to guns by persons with a history of mental illness. Public Safety Mental illness and childhood bullying has been a leading causes for many Of the shooting across the world.Public safety was the key to the debate in Connecticut after the tragic shooting of the Sandy Creek students and staff to demand stricter, more sensible gun laws. The primary goal is to protect the children and prevent additional massacres. President Obama wants to ban almost all reinserts of military surplus firearms to private entities. This will lead to the closure of a 1 1 a-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program. The weapons used in the Columbine shutting were military grade weapons. The ban by President Obama is solely to keep military grade fire arms off the trees.The weapon used in the Sandy Creek Elementary School was a Bushmaster Model XML 5-SEES rifle. According to â€Å"There is so much ample evidence of the inability of the civilian world to control these weapons, that is no longer reasonable to entrust them to for that purpose,† Joshua Kickoffs, an attorney representing the families, said in an interview. â€Å"How many massacres do there have to be before that is realized?

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Analysis Of Snake And The Snake - 1707 Words

â€Å"Snake† and â€Å"The Snake† Fred Min â€Å"Snake† by D.H. Lawrence 1. Emotional fear within oneself is a common foundation that dictates the â€Å"reaction† in relation to certain situations, such as the presence of a snake. In D.H. Lawrence’s â€Å"Snake†, the emotions of fascination and intense hospitality, although dysfunctional, heavily takes precedence over fear. The two factors of morality or â€Å"education† also plays a key role in Lawrence’s internal conflict.This is clearly presented in the text by the description of the author’s initial reaction to the encounter of the snake. Rather than running away in terror or forcing it to flee, D.H. Lawrence â€Å"like a second-comer† waited. Not only did he wait, he observed the undulating snake with a deeply consuming curiosity; essentially in hopes to discover an idiosyncratic trait that would reassure himself that this was no ordinary snake. However this did not stop Lawrence’s conscious to pursue mental control, explaining how â€Å"voice s in me said, if you were a man/ You would take a stick and break him now, and finish him off†. The quote refers to the way the â€Å"traditional reaction† would have affected his actions and also how his education often attempts to strike fear away. â€Å"If you were not afraid you would kill him†. Lawrence further endeavored away from the â€Å"traditional reaction† by feeling â€Å"honoured still more/ That he should seek my hospitality†. 2. In stanza 12 of the â€Å"Snake†, D.H. Lawrence describes with great lucid detail the god-likeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Piano And Snake 1438 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Piano† and â€Å"Snake† in D.H Lawrence’s representations express an inner conflict; the troubles they face are based upon distinct and similar reasons, they want an escape to their present state. â€Å"Piano† and â€Å"Snake† in D.H Lawrence’s representations express an inner conflict; the troubles they face are for distinct and similar reasons; they want an escape to their present state. The interpretation received when analyzing â€Å"Piano† was that the narrator himself was having a troublesome time because heRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Snake 944 Words   |  4 Pages Upon reading and reflecting on the poem â€Å"Snake† by D.H. 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