Thursday, January 2, 2020

Analysis Of Snake And The Snake - 1707 Words

â€Å"Snake† and â€Å"The Snake† Fred Min â€Å"Snake† by D.H. Lawrence 1. Emotional fear within oneself is a common foundation that dictates the â€Å"reaction† in relation to certain situations, such as the presence of a snake. In D.H. Lawrence’s â€Å"Snake†, the emotions of fascination and intense hospitality, although dysfunctional, heavily takes precedence over fear. The two factors of morality or â€Å"education† also plays a key role in Lawrence’s internal conflict.This is clearly presented in the text by the description of the author’s initial reaction to the encounter of the snake. Rather than running away in terror or forcing it to flee, D.H. Lawrence â€Å"like a second-comer† waited. Not only did he wait, he observed the undulating snake with a deeply consuming curiosity; essentially in hopes to discover an idiosyncratic trait that would reassure himself that this was no ordinary snake. However this did not stop Lawrence’s conscious to pursue mental control, explaining how â€Å"voice s in me said, if you were a man/ You would take a stick and break him now, and finish him off†. The quote refers to the way the â€Å"traditional reaction† would have affected his actions and also how his education often attempts to strike fear away. â€Å"If you were not afraid you would kill him†. Lawrence further endeavored away from the â€Å"traditional reaction† by feeling â€Å"honoured still more/ That he should seek my hospitality†. 2. In stanza 12 of the â€Å"Snake†, D.H. Lawrence describes with great lucid detail the god-likeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Piano And Snake 1438 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Piano† and â€Å"Snake† in D.H Lawrence’s representations express an inner conflict; the troubles they face are based upon distinct and similar reasons, they want an escape to their present state. â€Å"Piano† and â€Å"Snake† in D.H Lawrence’s representations express an inner conflict; the troubles they face are for distinct and similar reasons; they want an escape to their present state. The interpretation received when analyzing â€Å"Piano† was that the narrator himself was having a troublesome time because heRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Snake 944 Words   |  4 Pages Upon reading and reflecting on the poem â€Å"Snake† by D.H. 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