Saturday, January 18, 2020

Straying to the roulette table I saw a man with a long black coat advanced towards me

Win! That's the last thing I did. It was amazing! At the age of 24 I had the best run of anyone. It was Sunday 1st of January, it started with a crossword. Going through the questions; one had stomped me, the question was â€Å"† 6 letters down and I was clueless. Then scavenging for words â€Å"danger† was the one that stood out the most, I looked at it strangely. Wildly, the door bell rang. The few seconds that I was walking towards the door I wondered who could be here at this time, 5:00am on this frosty winter's morning. Adrenalin rushed through my body. Slowly the door creaked open like one of those murder movie. Peering out of the door I saw with my first glance a man about the same age and size as me, then looking properly I gazed again no one was there. The giant of a door shut, turning I saw that a letter sluggish glided down towards the floor. The letter, it had nothing on it just at the back a wax, red, black eagle crescent holding the letter closed. Irresolute looking, my hand slowly shaking quavering went to open the letter excited and feeling miss lead by the figure at the door. My hands where on it, opening it when I was interrupted by the phone computer and mobile ringing at the same time. Picking up the phone no one was on the other end. The computer had an email â€Å"you are invited to an annual opening of the Royal Casino.† â€Å"You will be escorted there by your personal butler.† It didn't hit me until I got over the email that, the shady figure at the door might be my butler. There was a 3 second pause in the house I thought â€Å"why was I invited to this casino if I was a nobody?† Feeling dizzy, I when to the kitchen to get a drink of water, filed 3/4 of a wine glass when realising that the letter was still in my hand. As if I was drunk I opened the letter saying†¦ The next day I woke up at about 5:31 a few seconds later the bell rang again. It was him. Looking at me with his deadly amber eyes it felt like he was peering through my very soul using some sort of supernatural powers. The butler asked me what my name was. My mouth was open for a few seconds thinking what to say before I said â€Å"Carlos.† â€Å"Sorry I couldn't properly introduce myself yesterday in the morning† â€Å"my name is Earl† the voice was an extremely posh English accent; he probably came from a long line of high respected people. Suddenly a cold wind breeze shot down my spine making me wonder why I was going to this place I had hardly played in a casino before. â€Å"We will have to go in around 30 minutes† â€Å"we have a tight schedule.† Looking at my watch I started counting it was weird, my head didn't feel right. Escorted to the car it felt like having my own 15 seconds of fame. It took us 32 minutes and a half to get there; when we reached our destination we had 3 guards outside escorting all of us in. The place was armed to the teeth with players. â€Å"Play what ever you want.† Ever player had there unique style of winning. Thinking to myself I didn't know where should I start? Rubbing my hand quickly together, I started playing. Straying to the roulette table I saw a man with a long black coat advanced towards me. We both sat down to play, seemingly a ruthless game. Anticipating my every move he placed the money right on the jackpot. Undergoing this defeat I grow in strength raising the stakes declaring war on that man. Determine not to lose I placed a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½50,000 bet on number 14 red. Lifting my hand of lead my eyes shone with light. Weirdly I became the centre of attraction putting à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000 smugly in my pocket. Steering up he gave me an impregnable look, smiled and walked off towards a man in a shadow. While examining more closely standing there amber eyed butler Earl was leaning on the wall and strangely doing nothing. Slowly I proceeded towards him, when his amber eyes tried to corrupt my vision. I stood tremendously and strutted on towards him. Contemptuously, he wanted to say that â€Å"a gentleman was really interested in me and had invited me to go to the VIP section to play a great game of blackjack.† I started to move towards them gradually my heart started to beat faster, going at the speed of a fighter jet. Walking on I started thinking what was with me that people have began to take interest with. The black coated man brought out a 10.5 inch pistol and directed it straight at my head. Unanticipated he plummeted towards the floor. Turning him round I saw a small dart hole in his chest, this could only be made by a blowgun. Thinking to my self I wondered why I was stressing over he killer (saving my life). I went over to the VIP zone amazed that no-one was disturbed by this. There was a tall; man sitting down on an expensive leather seat hand stitched to match the feelings of that person, a brown eyed man called Rasior me asking if I wanted to join in on the game of blackjack. Under shock I wondered if this sort of fiasco would happen again with these sorts of people. The dealer deals the cards and feeling lucky I causally looked at the cards, the 10 of hearts and clubs. I then raised the money to a substantial amount. We all open our hands and I had 20, the rest had 21, the winning number. Gasping for breath I shook my head placed a bet and played again. My loss in confidence might have had a big effect on me. While dealing I hoped I would have better cards this time round. 3 of clubs and 8 of spades; I asked for one more, king of spades. Adding them, a small smirk shone upon my face. 21! Watching them turn over the cards, a wave of sweat was brought out on my face. 21, 21, and 21 weirdly that Rasior won again having the higher valued cards then the rest. Playing on it seamed that luck was not on my side, 3:00 am the match continued and my luck streak shone. Showing that there was hope still in there for me. The last 2 grand; (last chance) to win something worth wile. I knew that I had to get a blackjack or I would loose the game, the first card was a jack then while turning over the second card life seemed to stand still gradually it was all over. 6:00am time for my early morning run. Swiftly the phone rang when I was out shutting the door. I abscond towards the phone. I picked it up and started talking. Again there was no- one on the other end of there phone. Leaping through the window 5-8 black figures encompassed me. Looking at my self on the floor some red liquid substance pouring out of me†¦

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